We continued along back toward my house. Megan
rejoined us. The day had gone from warm to hot. As we
approached the house I suggested we swim in the lake. The
idea was popular.
About 100 yards from the house, I turned the horse toward
the lake. He spend up some, anticipating a drink of water.
"Uncle Mark, we need to get our suits," Megan called from
behind me.
"Haven't you ever heard of skinny-dipping? I never wear a
suit around here." I continued on.
"You swim nakie?" Jana asked.
"All the time, it's a lot of fun."
When we got to the lake, I climbed off the horse, then lifted
Jana down. Megan stayed on her pony. Jana ran to the edge
of the water and looked in.
"Go ahead honey," I called as I started to unfasten the
saddle from my horse. "The water doesn't get deep until
your way out."
"I'm scared."
"I'll be right there," I said. I finished loosening the saddle
and lifted it off the horse, then I secured the reins so they
wouldn't hang down and get caught on anything. I knew
the old horse wouldn't go far, he would just hang around,
maybe go into the paddocks.
"Megan, you have to tie that pony, she may run off."
Megan climbed down and walked her to a fence. I went to
Jana and took her hand. "Do you want me to come in with
I led her back from the water and started taking my clothes
off. First my boots and socks, then my shirt. Jana just stood
there and watched me. "Come on, strip," I said.
She slipped out of her shoes and sat down in the dirt to pull
her socks off. Then she pulled the little pink sleeveless off
over her head. Her skin was very white, her nipples were
just pink nubs on her boyish chest. By this time, I was
pulling my pants and briefs free of my legs. Jana was
looking at me she pushed her pants down, luckily, she was
so interested in looking at me that she didn't notice the
dried blood on her panties or in her crotch. I decided that I
had to get her in the water quick or she might become
I picked her up, my arm under her ass, and put her on my
hip. She wrapped her legs around me, her calf brushed over
my cock. As I started walking toward the water, Megan
walked up. She saw the blood on Jana's pants. She looked
up at me with a shocked expression.
The water rose up my legs as I walked into the water.
When it reached my balls, I stopped. "Are you ready to get
"Yeesss," Jana giggled.
I ducked down, submerging us both to the neck. Jana
squealed. I stood back up and the water cascaded off of us,
then I dropped us again into the water. This time, when I
stood up, I held Jana out at arms length, her skin was shiny
and slick with the water dripping down her naked torso and
legs. All the dried blood had been washed away.
The water was just up to my dick, it floated out on the
surface but Jana didn't seem to notice. "Come on, Megan,
the water's warm!" Jana called to her sister.
Megan was standing at the edge with an uncertain look on
her face. "Come on, honey, it feels really good. It'll wash
all the horse smell off."
Megan didn't say anything. "Come on, Megan!" Jana
called again.
The nine-year-old looked around uncertainly, then slipped
out of the shoes, standing on one foot until she had each
sock carefully stowed in it's shoe. Again she looked around,
then pulled her tee shirt off over her head. Next she undid
her belt and pants, again looking around carefully, she
pulled her jeans down and off, folding them in the grass
and putting her folded shirt on top. She started toward the
water in her blue panties. My pulse had been speeding up
as I watched the long, slim preteen strip and I was really
disappointed when she started toward the shore with her
real delights still covered.
"Tell your sister she's cheating," I whispered to Jana.
"You're cheating!" Jana yelled and laughed.
Megan stopped and looked at me, the water was around her
ankles. "There's no one around here," I said.
"O-k," she said in a relenting voice. She walked back to her
clothes and pulled her panties off, giving me an awesome
view of her smooth ass as she bent over. She dropped them
on the pile of clothes, then turned around and looked at me
with a "There, do you like that?" sort of expression. I smiled
at her as I again started bouncing the five-year-old up and
down in the water. My dick was growing in the water and I
had to keep my knees bent to avoid having it stick up above
the surface. A dull ache began behind my balls.
The nine-year-old walked past us into the deeper water. She
began to swim, a smooth overhand stroke. Her long
ponytail waved in the water behind her. She swam across
the lake, then swam back, stopping near us, stooped down
in the water.
I carried Jana into shallower water and put her down (my
dick had relaxed quite a bit), then went for a swim. The
girls splashed each other and laughed a lot while I admired
the wonderful show.
After about 20 minutes, I suggested we get out. I carried
Jana on my hip and held Megan's hand as we walked back
to the horses. We picked up our clothes and, still naked,
walked to the house. Once inside, the girls went to their
room and I went to mine. A couple of minutes later, we
were all dressed again. We left Jana on the porch while
Megan and I took the horses to the paddocks, fed them and
made sure they had water. Back at the house, I suggested
that the girls explore around the place while I made dinner.
After we finished the pizza, I cranked up the generator and
turned on the TV. We watched for a little while and I
started to teach Jana how to play checkers. Megan asked if
she could use the computer to check her e-mail. I turned on
the wireless router and brought her my laptop. She looked
shocked when Windows finished booting and my David
Hamilton desktop came up. She looked at me with a
curious expression. A couple of minutes later, she asked if
I had any games-she spent the next hours playing Frogger.
At about nine, I suggested that it was time for the girls to
bathe and they went off to the tub. Again, I watched the
two beautiful children washing each other's hair. This time
they had remembered the night gowns. When they came
out, I suggested desert. Tonight it would be milkshakes-
except with a difference.
While the girls were in the bath I had considered my
options. I knew that Jana would be too sore for anything, so
tonight I would set my sites on Megan. Jana's milkshake
had a small dose of powder out of a sleeping pill while
Megan got about a quarter of a hit of Ecstasy. I watched as
the girls downed the drugged chocolate, then sat back to
see the results.
Both girls started to show signs of the drugs quickly. At
first, Jana became even more giggly as Megan became
relaxed and a little flushed. After only 20 minutes, Jana was
yawning and I carried her to her bed. Before I tucked her in,
I pulled her nightgown off and admired her. Looking
closely at her pussy, it was red and the inner lips were a
little swollen. I went back out to see how far I would get
with her nine-year-old sister.
Megan was sitting, cross-legged, on the floor in front of the
sofa watching TV. I sat down behind her with my legs on
either side of her shoulders. I started massaging her
shoulders and neck (something I do especially well, I am
told). She started rocking back and forth with my
ministrations and soon was stretching her neck and
obviously enjoying it. I tried to work my hands through the
neck hole of the night gown, but it was too tight. I reached
around her and unbuttoned the three small blue buttons in
the front, then I was able the reach more of her shoulders.
I continued working the soft muscles of the girl's neck and
shoulders and she became more relaxed as I moved out
toward the triceps. "Ummm, that feels nice," she said.
Again, the neckline of her gown stopped me from working
her shoulders properly. I moved my hands forward, down
the front and worked the top of her pecs with my fingertips,
but again, the fabric was stretched and, if I tried to move
farther, would cut uncomfortably into the nine-year-old.
"Here," I said. "Let me pull up on this some." I pulled up
gently on the nightgown and Megan lifted up to allow some
of the fabric to be loosened from where she was sitting on it.
Now I was able to get my hands completely inside the top
of the gown and I slowly and very sensually massages her
shoulders and neck. Megan leaned back against the sofa,
the back of her neck was an inch from where my aching
cock was straining to rip out of the cotton walking shorts I
had on.
I started working my way forward again, forward and down
her front. With my fingertips, I massaged the child's
pectoral muscles, starting with the tendon which moves up
and out over the shoulders, then the tendon which extends
into the upper arm and makes the front of the arm pit. Next
I moved laterally, across the muscles above the nipples to
where the flat muscles connect to the solar plexus.
I worked down each side of her solar plexus with my
fingertips, moving them in slow circles, feeling the supple
tendons and muscles move underneath her smooth and soft
My heart was pounding and my dick was about to rip the
fly out of my shorts as I moved my fingers out to the
child's nipples. When I first brushed them, Megan let out
her breath. As I ran my fingers around the nickel-sized
nipples, firm swellings above the hard muscles of her chest,
she started to breathe more deeply.
"I'm not sure you're supposed to be doing this," she said in
a dreamy voice.
"I'll stop if you want me to," I answered. I was surprised by
the roughness of my voice.
Megan closed her eyes, her breath was coming in pants. I
continued massaging the preteen's nipples. She leaned back
against the sofa and lay her head back, looking up at me
and pushing against my cock.
She opened her eyes, they were glassy, focused beyond me,
her lips were parted as she panted. She brought her hands
up and, through the flannel, grasped my hands. She held
them, moving with me, directing my rubbing of her nipples.
After a minute or so, I regathered my wits and moved
toward my goal. "Come here."
I pulled my hands away from her chest and out of her night
gown. I put my hands under her arms and lifted the child up,
sitting her on my right thigh. She looked at me, her face
dreamy. I leaned to her and brushed her lips with
mine. As I pulled away, she followed my lips. I looked at
her, looking deep into her hazel eyes. She reached out and
grabbed my collar, then pulled me back. This time, there
wasn't a whole lot of gentleness or innocence to our kiss.
Later Megan would tell me she learned to French during a
game of Spin the Bottle. Our tongues were intertwined, I
brought my hand back up to her chest and, again, rubbed
her stiff nipples, but this time through the fabric of her
gown. The feeling was incredibly erotic. My cock was
pushing against her thigh.
I broke the kiss. "Here," I said. I pulled up on the white and
blue flannel. Megan lifted up and the fabric pulled free of
where she was sitting on it. I pulled it up and over her head.
Her naked butt was against my thigh. Her red-brown
nipples stood out from her almost olive colored skin.
I pulled my shirt off over my head. Then I put my hands on
her nipples, again moving them in gentle circles with my
fingertips. Megan let out a long breath. My plans had
moved forward faster than I had ever anticipated. The drug
had removed all of this gorgeous nine-year-old's
inhibitions. I knew that she was mine for the taking, I could
do anything I wanted and she would simply want more-at
least tonight. I also knew that I could blow it terribly if I
moved too fast, if I hurt her. Our time tonight would have
to be an entirely pleasureful memory or she would not
allow me to touch her again.
We kissed again and I moved my hand down from her
chest to her thigh. I slowly ran my fingers between her legs
and up toward her sex. She was sitting with her legs
together, but, as my hand approached, she spread her thighs.
Her crotch was warm and moist, as I ran my finger along
the top of her slit, I could feel the slickness of her little girl
juices. We kissed again, then I gently pushed her back, she
leaned onto the arm of the couch. This made her sex more
open to me. She even slouched down so her ass was cradled
between my thighs, and spread her legs farther.
"Please," she said softly, imploring me to continue.
I started fingering her soft, hairless pussy slit more deeply.
She was wet but not as wet as a mature woman becomes.
However, I knew that, as she became more used to this, she
would get wetter over the next few days until, probably in
three or four days, I would be able to take her with ease and
our love making would be consummated.
She was breathing harder and harder, the breaths coming
with my strokes of her stiff little clit. She was becoming
flushed, her face was a deep color, as was her neck and
chest. I slid my hand deeper and pushed my finger into the
opening of her vagina. There was a short intake of breath as
I pushed inside her. I was surprised that there was no
hymen. (Later that week, she told me that about a year
before, a horse had bucked her and she had hit the saddle
horn very hard. She was actually hurt badly enough that she
had been taken to the hospital because they feared a broken
pubic bone. She said that her mother had explained why
she had bled and also that she had been sore for weeks.)
I pushed my finger deep inside her, the entire length went
in until I felt the marble sized cervix at the top. I started
finger-fucking her in earnest, rubbing her clit with my
thumb while I pushed my finger in and out of her. She
seemed tight, but when I pushed a second finger inside her,
she opened her eyes wide but didn't seem to be in pain.
Her orgasm overtook her suddenly, one moment she was
rocking back and forth with my finger thrust, then, she
convulsed in a sudden rapture, throwing her hips up and her
head back. At the same time, she screamed,
"AHHHHhhhh!" Her pussy clenched down on my fingers.
She threw her legs out straight and convulsed again, again
screaming in her orgasm. Every inch of her nine-year-old
body was wet with sweat, her back was like a board, the
muscles in her thighs and shoulders stood out like a body
builders. The veins and tendons in her neck stood out. In 34
years, I had never seen such an intense, visceral climax.
With every push inside her, she shuddered and groaned, the
intensity of each spasm a little easier than the last.
Slowly, she came back down. Her eyes focused on me and
she gave me a relaxed smile.
"Wow," I said, "seemed you enjoyed that."
"MMMmmmm, yeah," she said in an easy voice.
Lifting her up and putting her on the sofa next to me, I said,
"It's my turn now."
I pushed my shorts down to my ankles and sat back down
on the couch. The girl stared at my penis, standing straight
up from my lap. "I've never seen one hard like that."
I pulled her up and took her hands, guiding them and
wrapping them around my cock. Megan looked down at my
dick head, sticking out from between her cupped hands.
"Stroke it, up and down, like this." I guided her little hands
along the shaft.
I turned slightly to make it easier for her to move her arms
up and down.
"Here, with your thumbs, rub the bottom of the head."
She continued stroking and I quickly started to feel the jez
building behind my balls.
"Is the sperm going to come out?" she asked.
"Yeah." My voice was getting a little breathy as I built. "A
little faster."
She quickened her pace. "Squeeze just a little bit."
The sensations from the hand job were overwhelming me
and I leaned back against the arm of the sofa as I started to
hump to meet her. She took her cue from my movements
and stroked faster and harder as I humped.
"Here it comes." My voice was hoarse as semen boiled, my
stomach was in knots, the muscles of my groin and thighs
were spasming and I straightened out my legs.
Sperm flooded out of my dick, the first stream flying up
and falling over Megan's hands. I pumped jez again and
again, it ran down my dick and into the child's hands as she
continued to stroke, her hands sliding easily with the new
lube. After almost a minute of constant climax, I had to
stop her.
"So that's what it looks like," she said, pulling her hands
away. A long string of semen stretched out from the side of
her hand to the head of my dick. She inspected the white
goo on the back of her hands. "I thought there'd be little
swimmy things."
"No, they're much too small to see."
She held her hand to her nose and sniffed. "Mommy says
it's really slimy and kind of gross when a guy shoots it in
your mouth."
I was a little shocked by hearing this from an nine-year-old.
"Oh, but that's so good to do that," I said. "What else has
your mommy told you?" I picked up my shorts and started
wiping the semen off of her hands. "She says that if you
swallow a man's...stuff, he'll do anything for you."
I exploded in laughter. "Well, she's probably right about
that!" Megan giggled with me.
"Anything else?"
"Well...," she looked a little uncomfortable. "She's told me
about you and her."
Now, that was a surprise. Lori and I were lovers when I
was a teenager and she was ten or eleven. When my dad
found out, there was hell to pay. Later, we were more
discrete when I was at college and she was in high school.
"She said you were always very gentle and sweet. She said
you always treated her like an angel."
I wasn't sure what to answer. "I love your mother very
much," I said. "We were always best friends when we were
growing up."
I leaned forward and kissed my niece. Again, our tongues
danced. I broke the kiss looked into her face.
"I love you, Uncle Mark."
"I love you too, sweetheart," I said.
I pulled her back on to my lap and we kissed again, then I
picked her up and carried her to my bedroom.
I sat her down on the edge of the bed, then pushed her
down onto her back with her legs hanging over the edge. I
leaned down on my elbow next to the child-goddess and
kissed her. Her mouth was welcoming and, as we kissed, I
again rubbed her nipples with my fingertips.
"Ohhh," she whispered past my ear as I kissed the side of
her chin. I kissed her throat, then stuck the tip of my tongue
out and ran it along the side of her wind pipe. I sucked
gently at the turn of her neck and shoulder as I moved my
hand down over her smooth belly. I love the feeling as I
move my hand down from a little girl's navel, down across
her smooth belly to the slight rise of her mons. I marvel at
the feeling of the incredibly smooth and soft skin, no coarse
hair, just soft lips and a damp slit between.
As I moved my finger along her slit, I started sucking her
nipple, first the left, then the right. She started to rock her
hips with my hand and she put her arms around my head,
holding my mouth on her prepubescent breast. I put my
mouth completely around her nipple on her flat chest and
started moving the tip of my tongue over the erect nub as I
pushed my index finger deep into her nine-year-old cunt.
She groaned again and humped against my hand, throwing
her own arms out. Then I felt her hand on my shoulder
gently pushing me down.
I slowly moved south, kissing her ribs and across her upper
abdomen. I stopped and French kissed her lovely navel,
then swiveled around, kneeling on floor and kissing down
her belly before I ran my tongue along her slit.
When the tip of my tongue hit her clit, she jumped and
shook. I started sucking her pussy in earnest, she had a mild
womanly scent and she was nicely wet. She pulled her legs
up, her knees high in the air and looked down at me as I
fucked her with my tongue. When I put my mouth
completely around her mons and, sucking gently, pushed
my tongue up and down her slit, first tickling her clit, then
pushing into her vagina, she put her hands on either side of
my head and held me there as she threw her head back and
screamed with orgasm. There was a sudden rush of preteen
pussy juices into my mouth as she bucked hard and
slammed my face into her crotch.
She was repeatedly rocked by orgasms, waves breaking
over her little body, for minute after minute before she
pushed me away, no longer able to sustain the energy. She
was panting, hard, with quick breaths. Rivulettes of
perspiration ran down her sides and forehead. Beads of
sweat covered her upper lip, another drop of sweat ran from
her collar bone up and over her shoulder. There was a damp
outline of her shape on the sheet; it was downright wet on
the edge of the bed where her ass was.
I stood up at her feet, my dick was standing out over her.
"Oh, God. I never thought....," she said between her pants.
I pulled her up to a sitting position, leaned down and kissed
her deeply. I'm sure she got a taste of her own pussy. She
pulled away and looked straight at my enraged dick, no
more that a foot from her.
"It's your turn now."
I know my eyes glazed over as the beautiful fourth grader
leaned forward and took the head of my dick into her
mouth. My knees went weak as I watched her start to
gently suck me, pushing forward and sliding my dick into
her until I hit the back of her throat. Then she pulled back,
taking me out and held my cock in front of her. She looked
up at me.
"Remember what my mommy told me?"
Then she, again, pushed my dick into her mouth. She
bobbed back and forth a few times, I was about to collapse.
"Darling, let me lay down," I said.
I pulled out of her and moved around, sitting on the bed.
She never let go of my cock as I swung my legs onto the
bed and she turned around to kneel next to me. Once I was
settled, she pushed down on my cock, taking in to the back
of her throat again. I was in heaven. I brushed back her
chestnut hair so I could watch.
After about a minute, I said, "What has your mother told
She looked at me, my dick still in her mouth, then pulled it
out and licked the head. Then she bent down and kissed my
balls. Next she took my right testicle into her mouth and
sucked while she stroked my cock. She pulled my other nut
into her mouth and moved them around with her tongue
before licking the entire length of my cock. Again she
sucked on my head, then she lifted up and arched her back
and I watched, mesmerized, as she slowly pushed down,
sliding me past the back of her mouth and down her throat,
sliding my entire seven-inch dick down her throat until her
nose hit my pubic bone. All I could do was groan, "Oh
She pulled back and continued bobbing while cupping my
balls with her hand. I built fast and started humping into her
face. She sensed my growing excitement and moved faster,
once shoving me deep down her throat. When she pulled
back I humped twice before blowing my sack into her
She clamped her lips around my cock and sucked hard,
pulling my cum out. I fired again and again and felt her
throat contracting as she swallowed the semen I was firing
into her mouth. She kept sucking after I had finished and I
had to pull her off.
She looked up at me a grinned. "Now you have to give me
anything I want."
"Anything darling."
She looked thoughtful for a minute, then said, "Well, first,
would you lick me again?"
I know I had the most shit-eating grin on my face as I knelt
between that nine-year-old's thighs.